Sunday, December 10, 2006


I have watched the child for some time now and I'm waiting for the council to agree with me that the child should be placed with me.

How a council of 12 can not see what I can is very disappointing.

There have been several times when the council has asked me to become part of the council and I have turned them down. No, not because I wanted to but because I was training a padawan and wanted them to have first hand knowledge. Which I must say is better then learning it in a book any day.

"Master Denowai," I hear called out from the door way of the garden. "The council wishes to see you."

I stood up and turned towards the voice, it was youngling Belda Pinik.

'Strange,' I told myself 'I thought for sure she would have a master by now.'

I walked slowly to the youngling, and as I reached her I placed my hand on her shoulder.

"You have done well Youngling," I lightly stated "I see you becoming a great Jedi some day." as I took my hand off her shoulder and looked deeply into her eyes before asking "Now will you be so kind as to walk with me to the council chambers?"

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